Is the U.S. Dollar in Danger? How BRICS Are Challenging Its Dominance

economy financial investing

What if I told you that the U.S. dollar's reign as the world’s most powerful currency is on the verge of collapse? That the dominance of the American financial system, which has ruled the world for nearly a century, is being threatened by an alliance that’s gaining momentum right now, as you watch this very video? I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but make no mistake… the wheels are already in motion.

For decades, the U.S. dollar has been the bedrock of global trade and finance. Every major transaction, every oil deal, every international trade agreement—all centered around the almighty king dollar. But, as you may know, there’s a powerful alliance, known as BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—that's challenging the status quo. And they have a plan that could shift the balance of power - forever.

This isn’t just a minor disagreement over trade policies or tariffs. We’re talking about a coordinated effort to overthrow the dollar's supremacy—one that could lead to an entirely, new world order.

Today, I’m going to reveal how BRICS is strategically positioning itself to overthrow the U.S. dollar and why this could be the beginning of a financial battle unlike anything we've ever seen before. The question isn’t if this will happen—it’s when. And when it does, the fallout could be catastrophic.



The Rise of BRICS: A Threat to the Dollar’s Empire

So, how did we get here? How did these five countries go from emerging economies to becoming a united force capable of challenging the U.S. dollar's supremacy? To understand this, we need to take a closer look at how BRICS has quietly, but deliberately, positioned itself as an alternative to the Western financial system.

BRICS was initially formed in the early 2000s as an economic alliance, but what started as a loose grouping of developing nations quickly evolved into a geopolitical force with one clear objective: break free from the shackles of Western financial dominance.

They're not just talking about reducing their reliance on the dollar—they're already doing it. These countries are establishing trade agreements in their local currencies, creating alternative payment systems, and even stockpiling gold reserves to protect themselves from any fallout. This isn’t just a trend; it’s a deliberate strategy to weaken the dollar's grip on global commerce.

Now, why is this such a big deal? 

Because the strength of the U.S. dollar hinges on its role as the world’s 'reserve currency.' When countries trade oil, commodities, or even weapons, they typically do so using dollars. This gives the U.S. a competitive advantage of leverage and power. But BRICS is challenging this.

Let me paint a picture for you... Imagine the value of your savings, your investments, your 401(k), suddenly dropping because the world no longer trusts the dollar. Imagine a world where your dollars buy less, where inflation surges, and where the global economy no longer dances to the tune of the U.S. Federal Reserve. This is the future BRICS is pushing us towards.

They're building their own infrastructure—BRICS banks, BRICS payment systems, and even plans for a new unified BRICS currency. If they succeed, we could be looking at the end of the dollar's dominance as we know it.

But why now? 

Why is BRICS suddenly accelerating their efforts to overthrow the dollar’s dominance? 

There are two main reasons for this, and this is where things get even more interesting.



The Catalyst: Why BRICS Is Moving Now

So why is BRICS making its move now? What’s changed… 

It comes down to two major catalysts that have set the stage for a financial showdown.

Catalyst #1 - The Weaponization of the Dollar

For years, the United States has used the dollar as a weapon, leveraging its status as the world’s reserve currency to impose sanctions on countries that don’t fall in line with U.S. interests. From Russia to Iran, entire economies have been crippled by their inability to access the global financial system, all because they were cut off from the dollar.

But here's the thing—countries like Russia and China have had enough. They’ve realized that as long as the dollar controls the game, they’ll always be at the mercy of the U.S. And so, they’ve decided to change the game entirely. It’s not just about economics; it’s about freedom, autonomy, and resisting American influence.

Think about it—if your enemy controls the currency you rely on, would you keep playing by their rules? Or would you find a way to break free? This is exactly what BRICS is doing.

They’re developing their own systems, their own trade networks, and even accumulating massive gold reserves to back their financial independence. And make no mistake, they’re not doing this in secret—they’re openly challenging the U.S., daring them to respond.

Catalyst #2 - The Decline of U.S. Economic Power

And the second catalyst? The decline of American economic dominance. The U.S. has been running up debt like there’s no tomorrow. Trillions in national debt, rising inflation, and political instability are all eroding confidence in the dollar. The world is watching, and the message is clear—the U.S. is no longer the unstoppable financial powerhouse it once was.

As America’s economic problems mount, BRICS sees an opportunity—a crack in the armor of dollar supremacy. They know that if they act now, they have a chance to build a new financial system where the U.S. isn’t calling all the shots.

This isn’t just speculation—there are real numbers to back this up. In the last few years, the share of global reserves held in dollars has dropped to its lowest point in decades. Meanwhile, countries around the world are buying record amounts of gold, and diversifying their reserves.

The facts speak for themselves—BRICS is taking action, and they’re not hiding their intentions. They want to overthrow the dollar, and they have the momentum to make it happen.



The Currency War: How BRICS Plans to Undermine the Dollar

So, how exactly does BRICS plan to take down the dollar? They have a well-coordinated strategy, and they're already implementing it step-by-step. What we’re witnessing is nothing short of a currency war—a calculated effort to strip the dollar of its power, and it all starts with one simple, yet devastating move: bypassing the dollar in international trade.

Strategy #1 - Ditching the Dollar in Trade

For decades, countries around the world have been forced to use the U.S. dollar for nearly all international transactions, especially for vital commodities like crude oil. This gave the U.S. unparalleled power over global trade. But now, BRICS nations are saying, 'Why should we keep playing by America’s rules?'

China and Russia, in particular, have started trading oil and gas in their local currencies, bypassing the dollar completely. Brazil has entered deals with China to use the yuan in trade, and India is following suit with its own trade partnerships. These aren’t just isolated incidents—this is a deliberate move to weaken the dollar’s influence and establish their currencies as viable alternatives.

Think about the implications, that is, if more countries start trading outside of the dollar? Hmm…

Strategy #2 - The BRICS Bank and the Push for a New Reserve Currency

But it doesn’t stop there. BRICS has established its own financial institution, the New Development Bank, as an alternative to the World Bank and the IMF—both of which have been dominated by Western interests for decades. The BRICS Bank is actively providing loans and funding for major infrastructure projects across developing countries, and it's increasingly doing so without requiring the use of the dollar.

And here’s the most controversial part: what started out as whispers have now evolved into concrete plans—BRICS is actively discussing the creation of their own reserve currency, potentially backed by a combination of gold, oil, and other commodities. 

With an upcoming meeting in October in Russia, this idea is gaining momentum fast. If they succeed, it could pose a serious challenge to the dollar's dominance.

A currency backed by real assets, not just the promise of a government—can you imagine the shockwaves this would send through the global economy? It could make the dollar look like an emperor with no clothes, exposed and vulnerable for the first time in decades.

 Strategy #3 - Building Alliances Beyond BRICS

Now, here’s the part that should make every American—and frankly, anyone invested in the dollar—extremely concerned. BRICS isn’t acting alone. They're actively courting other countries to join their cause, expanding their influence and creating an even larger network of nations willing to ditch the dollar.

Saudi Arabia, long considered the backbone of the petrodollar, has increasingly signaled its willingness to explore trading oil in currencies other than the dollar. This shift comes as the long-standing, informal understanding between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia — where oil was priced exclusively in dollars — has weakened in recent years. If Saudi Arabia follows through and begins trading oil in other currencies, especially as they consider closer ties with BRICS, that would be very bad for the dollar. 

We're not just talking about a group of countries looking for an alternative—we’re talking about a full-scale alliance with the potential to topple the financial empire the U.S. has built for themselves. 

The big question is: Are we prepared for what comes next? Because if BRICS succeeds, well, I don’t need to tell you what happens next. Actually, let’s explore that…



The Consequences: What Happens If BRICS Overthrows the Dollar?

Now, let’s talk about the part that everyone’s afraid to face. What happens if BRICS actually succeeds in overthrowing the U.S. dollar? We’re not just looking at some minor changes in the financial system—this would be a seismic shift that could alter our entire way of life."

Hyperinflation and the Erosion of Savings

Picture this: one day, you wake up, and your money just doesn’t stretch as far as it used to. Gas prices skyrocket, groceries cost twice as much, and the value of your hard-earned savings starts to disappear before your very eyes. This is the reality of what happens when a currency loses its dominance.

When a currency is no longer trusted, inflation spirals out of control. And since the U.S. dollar is so deeply embedded in our everyday lives, its collapse wouldn’t just hurt Wall Street or big corporations—it would devastate everyday Americans like you and me. Your retirement savings, your investments, your paycheck… all could be worth a fraction of what they are today.

Rising Interest Rates and Skyrocketing Debt

Think the national debt is bad now? Imagine what happens when other countries no longer want to hold U.S. dollars or buy U.S. debt. Suddenly, interest rates spike, making it more expensive for everyone to borrow money. Mortgages, car loans, student loans—they all become more expensive. And for a country already drowning in debt, this could be the tipping point that sends the economy into a tailspin.

Without the safety net of being the world's reserve currency, the U.S. government would struggle to finance its debt. This would lead to massive cuts in public services, social programs, and infrastructure—things that millions of Americans rely on every single day.

And the worst part? Most people won’t see it coming until it’s too late. They’ll wake up one day and wonder how everything changed so quickly. But by then, the damage will be done.

A New World Order – The Rise of BRICS Nations

While the U.S. scrambles to pick up the pieces, the BRICS nations would be celebrating their victory. Imagine a world where the Chinese yuan, the Russian ruble, or even a new BRIC currency, becomes the standard for global trade. This shift would mean that these countries—not the U.S.—would control the flow of money, dictate trade policies, and hold the power to influence economies worldwide.

It would be a new era of economic power, with BRICS nations leading the charge. And for Americans, this means adjusting to a world where the U.S. is no longer at the center of it all—a world where our financial system, and maybe even our way of life, takes a backseat to a new set of rules.

But here's the thing—this isn’t just about money. This is about power, control, and influence. And if the dollar falls, so does America’s standing in the world. Our ability to project strength, negotiate deals, and protect our interests would be severely weakened.

So Is There a Way to Protect Yourself?

I really don’t have a great answer, if you do, let me know in the comments

There are steps you can take though, but they’re not what most people are talking about. Basically, you can diversify your investments, consider holding assets outside of traditional currencies, there’s also gold and silver. You’ll wanna pay close attention to what’s happening on the global stage.

Remember, in times of uncertainty, those who are informed are the ones who’ll survive and maybe even thrive. 



The Final Warning: Are We Already Too Late?

So, here we are, staring down the barrel of a potential financial revolution. BRICS isn’t just threatening the dollar—they’re challenging the very foundation of the American way of life. And while most people continue with business as usual, believing that the dollar will always be there to protect them, the truth is, the cracks are already showing up.

Signs of a Shifting Landscape

Think about it. Why are countries suddenly repatriating their gold reserves, pulling them out of Western banks and bringing them back to their home countries? Why are so many nations, even traditional U.S. allies, quietly buying into China’s Belt and Road Initiative and agreeing to trade in currencies other than the dollar? Why did central banks across the globe buy more gold last year than they have in decades?

These aren’t just isolated incidents—they’re signs that the world is preparing for a shift, a shift away from the dollar and towards something entirely different. And while our politicians and financial experts reassure us that everything is fine, the rest of the world seems to be quietly preparing for the day when the dollar is no longer king.

But here’s the question you need to ask yourself: Are you prepared? Because if you think the government or financial institutions are going to save you when this happens, you’re in for a rude awakening.

If the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, the impact won’t just be felt on Wall Street—it will ripple through every aspect of our lives. The cost of imported goods would skyrocket, pushing inflation to levels we haven’t seen in generations. The value of your retirement savings, your investments, even the cash in your wallet, could be slashed in half overnight. And the Federal Reserve? They’d have little power to stop it.

This is the kind of economic devastation that can topple governments, ignite protests, and lead to civil unrest. And it’s not just some distant possibility—this is the path we’re heading down.

The Fight to Maintain Dollar Supremacy

But while BRICS rises, what will the U.S. do? 

Make no mistake, the U.S. won’t just sit back and watch its financial empire crumble. 

So, how might the U.S. fight to keep the dollar on top?

  1. Economic Sanctions and Pressure: The first weapon the U.S. might wield is one it’s used time and time again — and that is economic sanctions. If BRICS nations continue pushing to dethrone the dollar, the U.S. could double down on sanctions, making it extremely difficult for these countries to access international markets, technology, or other resources. This could choke off their economies and force them to reconsider their defiance.

But here's the thing—sanctions can only go so far. If BRICS nations band together and support each other, they might just be able to withstand the pressure. 

  1. Military and Geopolitical Influence: Let’s also not ignore the elephant in the room—the U.S. has the most powerful military in the world, and it’s not afraid to use it to protect its interests. Throughout history, wars have been fought over resources, territory, and power. Could we see a future where conflicts are waged to maintain the dollar’s supremacy? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds, especially according to Gerald Celente.. <show quote>

Think about it—the U.S. maintains military bases in over 70 countries. This global presence isn’t just about national security; it’s also about ensuring that American interests, including the supremacy of the dollar, remain protected. If BRICS starts to gain too much influence, the U.S. could leverage its military power to protect key trade routes, resources, or even to pressure other countries into staying loyal to the dollar.

  1. Technological and Financial Warfare: In today’s digital age, warfare isn’t just fought on battlefields—it’s fought online, through technology and financial systems. The U.S. could use cyber-attacks to disrupt BRICS financial systems, undermine their currencies, or even cripple their infrastructure. We’ve seen glimpses of this already, with reports of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure across the globe.

Imagine the chaos if BRICS nations suddenly found their payment systems offline, their banks in turmoil, or their communication networks disrupted. The U.S. has the capability to make this happen, and if the dollar’s dominance is truly threatened, there’s a good chance they’ll use it.

  1. Printing More Money: And finally, the U.S. might resort to what it’s always done when facing economic trouble—printing more money. By injecting massive amounts of liquidity into the system, the Federal Reserve could flood the global market with dollars, making it harder for other currencies to compete. But this is a dangerous gamble. It might buy time, but it would also risk massive inflation and further weaken trust in the dollar.

So, there you have it. The U.S. has plenty of options, and it’s not going down without a fight. But each of these strategies comes with risks—risks that could backfire and accelerate the dollar's decline instead of stopping it.

The Hidden Agenda – Is There More to This Story?

But here’s where things get even more unsettling—what if this is all part of a bigger plan? What if the very people who stand to lose the most from a dollar collapse are already making moves to protect themselves, leaving the rest of us to pick up the pieces?

The ultra-wealthy, the ones with real power, aren’t waiting around to see how this plays out. They’re preparing for a world where the dollar isn’t the center of everything. So why aren’t we?

What You Can Do Now

I’m not here to tell you to panic, but I am here to tell you to prepare. Start thinking outside the box. Diversify your investments. Look into assets that have real, tangible value. Educate yourself about the financial system, and pay attention to what’s happening in the world beyond the mainstream headlines.

Because the truth is, if you’re waiting for someone to warn you when it’s too late, you’re going to be left behind. The world is changing, and it’s changing faster than most people realize.

I believe a storm is coming. The fight for financial supremacy is just beginning. The question isn’t whether the dollar will be challenged, but whether you’ll be ready when it is. I hope it makes sense. 

If you found this blog post thought-provoking, feel free to leave your thoughts and comments, in my YouTube video comment section. Thanks for reading and see you in my next blog post!

About The Author

Noel Lorenzana is an Illinois-licensed, Registered Certified Public Accountant with over 20 plus years of experience.

Through his online educational content, YouTube videos, easy-to-understand courses and 1-on-1 consulting, he gives you the tools to become tax savvy for yourself. 

Disclaimer: Any accounting, business or tax advice contained in this article, is not intended as a thorough, in-depth analysis of specific issues, nor a substitute for a formal opinion, nor is it sufficient to avoid tax-related penalties.