Identity Theft: How to Secure Your IRS Tax Account irs tax tips

How to Secure Your IRS Tax Account and Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Your personal information has likely been exposed to one of the largest data breaches in history. Even if you've been careful, a massive hack at National Public Data has compromised the personal details of millions of...

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New 1099-K Reporting Rules December 2024 UPDATE: What Freelancers, Side Hustlers, and Small Business Owners Need to Know 1099-k irs irs update side hustle taxes small business

If you're a freelancer, small business owner, or side hustler—or anyone using payment apps—you need to pay attention. The IRS has made big changes to how they track your income in 2024, and these changes could mean a much bigger tax headache when filing your taxes.

No one likes...

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2024 Tax Season Tips and Updates: Avoid Costly Mistakes in 2024 irs irs update tax tips

Did you know that a few easy tax moves could save you hundreds, if not thousands, come tax season? With changes in tax brackets, an increase in the standard deduction, and some new IRS reporting rules, 2024 is shaping up to be a year with a few surprises—and some costly mistakes to avoid.

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Can a Person Legally Refuse to Pay Income Taxes? What Happens If You Try Opting Out irs tax evasion taxes

Every year, millions of Americans file their tax returns, paying their fair share to the IRS. But did you know there's a growing movement of people who believe you don't actually have to pay income taxes? They claim there’s a legal way to avoid it, pointing to specific laws, definitions,...

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IRS Secrets Revealed: What Every Taxpayer Needs to Know! irs irs update tax resolution tax tips

In today's blog post, I've got something special for you -- a YouTube video where I'm sitting down with Michael Sullivan, who's not just any tax expert. He's a former IRS agent, teaching instructor, tax expert, and news contributor on sites like Newsmax, Fox News, ABC, just to name a few.


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IRS Tax Forum 2024 Key Takeaways: What They Mean for You irs irs update tax tips

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the IRS Tax Forum in Chicago, Illinois. Although it wasn't initially on my agenda, the event was right in my backyard, so I decided to seize the chance. It was my first time attending, and I found it to be quite enlightening.

One of the highlights was...

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IRS Nationwide Tax Forum 2024: SECRETS YOU NEED TO KNOW irs irs update tax tips

Last week, I had the chance to attend the IRS Tax Forum in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. It was my first time attending such an event, and I found it incredibly enlightening. The forum was a three-day event packed with informative seminars throughout the day, featuring many top IRS...

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IRS Audit Surge and TOP Triggers:Ā You Might Be The TARGET irs irs update tax tips

Understanding IRS Audit Rates and Top Triggers for an Audit

The recent influx of new funding for the IRS is poised to increase audit rates. Currently, the IRS audit rate stands at under 1%. While this might sound reassuring, it’s important to understand the potential costs associated with...

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The New IRS 1099K Rules Starting 2024: What You NEED TO KNOW 1099-k irs taxes

If you're using payment apps like PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App, you need to pay close attention.

As you probably know, the IRS has made some major changes to the new 1099K reporting rules, and it could have serious implications for you as far as IRS tax reporting goes.

But don't worry, I've got...

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Did You Receive IRS CP14 Notice by Mistake? Here's What to Do! irs irs notice irs update

Hey, everyone. It's June 2024. I wanted to let you know about what's going on with the IRS as far as them sending out incorrect CP14 notices.

Now, if you don't know what that is, it's an IRS notice sent to taxpayers informing them that they owe money on unpaid taxes. It provides details about...

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How to Not Owe the IRS When You File Your Taxes irs tax tips taxes w-4

Tax season just ended and one of the number one questions that I've been getting is with people who end up owing the IRS when they get the results of their tax return back.

And the reason they owe is because they haven't withheld enough Federal withholding taxes from their employer. In other...

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What You're Doing Wrong with S Corporation Health Insurance Premium business tips irs s corporation

Today, I wanted to address a common mistake with S Corporations, and how owners/shareholders often incorrectly deduct their health insurance premiums.

I'll give you a high-level overview of how this works within an S Corporation structure – no deep dive, just the essentials you need to...

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