IRS Tax Forum 2024 Key Takeaways: What They Mean for You irs irs update tax tips

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the IRS Tax Forum in Chicago, Illinois. Although it wasn't initially on my agenda, the event was right in my backyard, so I decided to seize the chance. It was my first time attending, and I found it to be quite enlightening.

One of the highlights was...

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IRS Nationwide Tax Forum 2024: SECRETS YOU NEED TO KNOW irs irs update tax tips

Last week, I had the chance to attend the IRS Tax Forum in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. It was my first time attending such an event, and I found it incredibly enlightening. The forum was a three-day event packed with informative seminars throughout the day, featuring many top IRS...

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IRS Audit Surge and TOP Triggers:Ā You Might Be The TARGET irs irs update tax tips

Understanding IRS Audit Rates and Top Triggers for an Audit

The recent influx of new funding for the IRS is poised to increase audit rates. Currently, the IRS audit rate stands at under 1%. While this might sound reassuring, it’s important to understand the potential costs associated with...

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The New IRS 1099K Rules Starting 2024: What You NEED TO KNOW 1099-k irs taxes

If you're using payment apps like PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App, you need to pay close attention.

As you probably know, the IRS has made some major changes to the new 1099K reporting rules, and it could have serious implications for you as far as IRS tax reporting goes.

But don't worry, I've got...

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Did You Receive IRS CP14 Notice by Mistake? Here's What to Do! irs irs notice irs update

Hey, everyone. It's June 2024. I wanted to let you know about what's going on with the IRS as far as them sending out incorrect CP14 notices.

Now, if you don't know what that is, it's an IRS notice sent to taxpayers informing them that they owe money on unpaid taxes. It provides details about...

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How to Not Owe the IRS When You File Your Taxes irs tax tips taxes w-4

Tax season just ended and one of the number one questions that I've been getting is with people who end up owing the IRS when they get the results of their tax return back.

And the reason they owe is because they haven't withheld enough Federal withholding taxes from their employer. In other...

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What You're Doing Wrong with S Corporation Health Insurance Premium business tips irs s corporation

Today, I wanted to address a common mistake with S Corporations, and how owners/shareholders often incorrectly deduct their health insurance premiums.

I'll give you a high-level overview of how this works within an S Corporation structure – no deep dive, just the essentials you need to...

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What is The IRS First-Time Penalty Abatement: How Does It Works? individuals irs tax tips

If you owe any amount of money to the IRS, I'm pretty certain there would be penalties included in the tax-due amount. These penalties can add up, sometimes even doubling the amount due.

In this blog post, I'm going to share a little-known secret to getting those penalties abated with a simple...

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Don't File an Income Tax Extension Until You Read This! irs tax extensions

Tax day is right around the corner and suddenly you realize you're not quite ready to do your taxes. So the idea of filing a tax extension comes into consideration. It's a very common scenario, but is that the best decision for your situation?

Let's dive in and discover if filing a...

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TOP 3 FREE Tax Filing Options: VITA vs. IRS Free File vs. AARP irs tax tips taxes

Filing your taxes shouldn't be difficult, and unless it's complicated, it shouldn't be too expensive either. If you think tax filing is a hassle and expensive, I've got some good news for you. There are some free and user-friendly options that can make this process much smoother. However, there...

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What to Do if You Receive an IRS Form 1099K? 1099-k irs side hustle taxes

If you're reading this blog post, you've probably received an IRS Form 1099-K, and you want to know what to do with it.

Can you ignore it, or do you need to report it on your tax return?

Short answer, you do need to report it on your tax return or face receiving a nasty letter from the IRS with...

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Never Fear an Audit Again: Ex-IRS Agent Secrets Revealed! irs tax resolution tax tips

In today's blog post, I've got something special for you -- a YouTube video where I'm sitting down with Michael Sullivan, who's not just any tax expert. He's a former IRS Agent and a familiar face on News Maxx, Fox News, and ABC, just to name a few. 

He was an IRS insider for over a decade....

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