Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting: What You Need to Know boi reporting business tips corporate transparency act

BOI, or Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting, is now a must-do for most businesses. If you don’t follow the rules, you could face a $10,000 fine and up to two years in prison. Also, if someone breaks the BOI reporting rule on purpose, they could get a civil fine of $591 for each day...

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My Tax Season Wrap-Up & Outlook for Tax Profession business tips small business tax tips

Introduction: 2024 Tax Season Wrap Up

Tax season has finally wrapped up and I can finally relax a bit. This was my ninth tax season working for myself, and I have to say it was the most successful tax season to date. This is in terms of the amount of money I made and that it was mostly...

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Side Hustle Taxes Part III: Business Mileage and Home Office Deduction business tips side hustle taxes tax tips

So you have a side hustle and you're probably confused about how to pay taxes on your side hustle income.

Am I right?

Navigating the tax landscape with a side hustle can be confusing, but you've come to the right place! This is a three-part series aimed at simplifying the tax puzzle for your...

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Side Hustle Taxes Part II: How to Track Income & Expenses and Audit-Proof Your Deductions business tips side hustle taxes tax tips

So you have a side hustle and you're probably confused about how to pay taxes on your side hustle income.

Am I right?

Navigating the tax landscape with a side hustle can be confusing, but you've come to the right place! This is a three-part series aimed at simplifying the tax puzzle for...

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Side Hustle Taxes Part I: Reporting Income & Expenses, and Understanding Deductible Business Costs business tips side hustle taxes tax tips

So you have a side hustle and you're probably confused about how to pay taxes on your side hustle income.

Am I right?

Navigating the tax landscape with a side hustle can be confusing, but you've come to the right place! This is a three-part series designed to demystify the tax implications of...

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What You're Doing Wrong with S Corporation Health Insurance Premium business tips irs s corporation

Today, I wanted to address a common mistake with S Corporations, and how owners/shareholders often incorrectly deduct their health insurance premiums.

I'll give you a high-level overview of how this works within an S Corporation structure – no deep dive, just the essentials you need to...

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Top 3 Tax Questions Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know! business tips small business

Hey there, small business owner! Do you dread tax season as much as I do? Even as a CPA, I've faced tax situations that made my head hurt. 

Today I'm revealing the Top 3 Tax Questions every small business owner absolutely needs to know

Just for reading my blog post, I have a...

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Can Choosing the Wrong Business Type Ruin Your Business Plans? business formation business tips tax tips

So, you’re starting a business, and you’re probably overwhelmed by the choices from LLC, sole proprietorship, corporation, or partnership.

I’m here as a CPA to explain to you, and break down the pros and cons of each of these business types, and who they’re best for.


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5 Money Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them business tips small business

Today, we're diving into something very important for all you business owners out there - the top 5 money mistakes small businesses make, and of course, how to avoid them.

So, the first money mistake that small businesses make is...

#1 – Not Having a Budget

Imagine going on a road trip...

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